The accelerating growth of electric vehicles (EVs) is creating significant challenges and opportunities for electric utilities. Not sure how your utility can minimize risks and take advantage of the opportunities, or how customer engagement can drive success?
EV Challenges and Opportunities for Utilities
Some utilities are already taking an active role in promoting EVs to their customers and implementing grid infrastructure upgrades. To minimize risks and take advantage of the opportunities, it’s important to understand the EV growth trends and the pivotal role of customer engagement for driving success. In this white paper, utility transportation, e-mobility, EV planners and program managers, as well as marketing and communications managers will gain a better understanding of the EV growth trends, the challenges and opportunities facing utilities, and solutions available, particularly related to customer engagement strategies.
Learn More About Apogee’s Digital EV Customer Journey
Apogee’s EV solution offers comprehensive, digital communications to:
Throughout the customer journey from consideration to purchase through ownership:
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