Press Releases

Apogee’s Clients Glean Accolades from the Energy Industry and Residential Customers

Utilities and Customers Reap the Rewards of Personal and Relevant Communications

Atlanta, Jan 21, 2020  Apogee Interactive, one of the nation’s leading providers of proactive customer engagement solutions for utilities, announced today that 2019 was a monumental year for the software development firm and their utility clients.

Highlights of the year included, Xcel Energy being recognized by the Association of Energy Service Professional (AESP) for their Spirit of Innovation for an outbound, personalized video messaging campaign delivered by Apogee. Later in the year, the utility jumped to the 1st Quartile for customer satisfaction in J. D. Power’s Midwest Region – Large Segment. The 24-point bump occurred following the video bill explanations campaign moving from pilot to full scale.

Other significant achievements:

  • Over 10 million outbound messages generated positive customer impressions. Personalized video messaging resulted in a 15% reduction in high bill calls to the utility.
  • Outbound messages garnered unique click-through rates of 37%, the equivalent to 18 times the industry standard.
  • 97% of utility customers reported they found the video bill explanation useful.
  • 99% of customers receiving the video bill explanation reported that their perception of the utility had improved or remained the same.
  • Mid-cycle alerts gave utility customers a chance to change behavior before a high bill occurred, helping utilities avoid calls and provide a more cost-effective service.
  • Apogee’s home energy analysis module generated 1 million calculations giving customers personalized insights about how their home uses energy and providing valuable home profile data for the utility.

“Apogee has been dedicated to helping utilities build engaging customer relationships for more than 25 years, Susan Gilbert, CEO, Apogee Interactive explained. “Our incredibly loyal client base of hundreds of US utilities continues to grow. Last year we added 7 new major clients and expanded contracts with 9 others.” Gilbert added, “Apogee’s clients awarded our company with a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 36, well above the overall NPS for software providers, which is 30.”

Apogee recently announced its latest platform enhancements which include text to speech, multilingual options, a rate communications series, electric vehicle and solar analysis, marketing automation, and a drill-down feature letting customers go from monthly disaggregated data down to daily displayed by end-use.  The firm has also launched a new targeted video bill explanation that includes calls to action that drives program participation.

Apogee enters the next decade as a trusted partner and true pioneer in the field of customer engagement. As utilities embark into this new era, Apogee’s proven engagement strategies will be essential to meeting the next generation’s expectations.

About Apogee:

Apogee Interactive, Inc. is a privately held, woman-owned business and one of the nation’s leading full-service provider of proactive customer engagement SaaS services for utilities. As a partner with the utility industry since 1993, Apogee’s digital engagement platform delivers proactive, targeted, relevant, and personalized communication for hundreds of North American utilities, including some of the largest and most progressive, such as Southern Company, ConEd, LADWP, and Jackson EMC. For more information visit or on LinkedIn.

Contact: Karen Morris or 678-684-6801

Apogee Press Releases

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