Moving from Segmentation to Personalization

Webinar: Moving from Segmentation to Personalization 

Presentation – March 31st 2020 | 2 pm Eastern 

In year’s past, segmentation has been the standard practice marketers used to help companies predict behavior and match customer’s needs. Today, in the digital age, using data to provide a relevant and personalized customer experience is easy, effective, and expected by customers. Join Apogee Interactive and Milepost Consulting for a one-hour session where you will learn how utilities are using personalization and digital engagement techniques to change behavior, encourage program participation, and launch successful initiatives like rate adoption, electrification, and other critical issues at hand.

We will discuss:

  • Retail Customer Trends – What can utilities learn from retailers?
  • Utility Focus Group Insights
  • Using Digital and Automation Strategies to Achieve Impressive Results
  • Return on Engagement (ROE) – Findings from utility case studies

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Our Speaker Bios:

Luke Gebhard, Sr. Project Manager, Milepost Consulting

Elizabeth Burroughs, Engagement Manager, Apogee Interactive

Kate Panaousis, Marketing Analyst, Apogee Interactive

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