Customer Engagement 2.0

June 28, 2022 | 3:00 Eastern

We all know customers are being bombarded with messages and getting them to pay attention is harder and harder each year.  Please join Joel Gilbert, our President and Chief Software Architect, and Jason McGrade, Deputy Director of the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative for a 45 minute discussion about their research that identifies key themes for utilities to connect with their customers. Jason will also talk about their upcoming research study that will help utilities craft their strategies for developing new rate structures and outreach efforts.

We’ll Discuss:

  • What are the best practices in relevant messaging?
  • How do customer values play a role in specific messages consumers respond to and why?
  • How do you answer the “monetization” question that always comes up?
  • Does messaging reduce calls to the call center and improve first call resolution if they do?

Join us for this informative session.   Speaker Bios 

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